
The winners of the festival "INtonations-2024"!

"Grand Prix" — Daniil Medvedev, Vasiliy Segen for the “52 herz”, SPUFT

"The best sound solution in a feature film" — Varvara Bykova for the "Nothing's Happened", VGIK

"The best sound solution in a non-fiction film" — Charllote Muller for the "Tails of men", Hungarian film school SZFE

"The best sound solution in an animated film" — Maria Sergeeva for the "Cmok", SPUFT

"Debut" — Anna Zhbanova for the "The way of words", SPUFT

"The Best Music Solution" — Mikhail Zhitkov for the “Evermore”, SPUFT

Special award named after Boris Andreev "For the Expressiveness of Sound Solution" — Gleb Anykeychik for the "Noydy: The Northern Witches", SPUFT

Special award named after Grigorey Frank "For the Authenticity of Sound Solution" — Mikhail Zhitkov for the "Treasure", SPUFT

Special award named after Elena Sladkovskaya "For the Beauty and Sincerity of Intonations" — Veronika Vasileva fot the "Budding", SPUFT

Special award named after Aliakper Gasan-Zadeh "For the Search of Ideal and its Fulfillment" — Sofia Vaseva for the "Here And Now", GITR

Special Audience Award — Daniil Medvedev, Vasiliy Segen for the “52 herz”, SPUFT
2024-05-06 00:16