
Announcement of the beginning of the annual event

Dear friends and colleagues!

We are greatly glad to announce the beginning of the annual event we all have been waiting for! By that we mean our international festival of sound-engineering works among students all around the globe. The application process for the Tenth Anniversary «INtonations» Festival has finally started! Hence you can already send us your films!

The festival will take place from April 22 to April 27!

Last festival was truly impressive. It gives us strong confidence that this year can be even more inspiring and spectacular!

Apply for participation by sending us your creations for the period from February 10 to March 10 and, please, do not wait too long!

You can attach the application by clicking the Apply Button on our main page:

Waiting for your works,
Festival Committee.https://t.me/c/2015361495/522
2024-02-10 13:07