Organizers, conditions of participation, prizes and diplomas
3. The jury has the right to nominate winners for additional categories.
If a prize-winner of the Festival has no opportunity to get his/her prize during the Closing ceremony, the prize can be given to the winner after the Festival in the Organizing Committee or can be given to a member of the creative team of the winning film.
4. If a Festival "INtonations" prizewinner is unable to receive their award at the closing ceremony, the prize can be collected by the author after the festival's conclusion at the Organizing Committee. The prize can also be presented to members of the winning film's creative team.
Applying for the Festival Competition Programme, the author gives their consent to the processing their personal data, as defined in the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 № 152-FZ ‘On Personal Data’, indicated in the application and in materials submitted to the Contest, by any means (including collection, systematisation, accumulation, storage, specification, use, distribution, depersonalisation, blocking and destruction), and confirms that giving this consent they act freely by their own will and for own benefit. The author guarantees that they obtained consent for personal data processing from other individuals working on the film submitted for the Competition, and if necessary, upon request of the Festival Organizing Committee it shall be provided to the latter.
1. The X International Film Festival of Sound Engineers Student Works INtonation (hereafter the Festival) is held annually aiming at demonstration and evaluation of students’ and professors’ creative achievements from the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television (SPUFT) and other schools.
2. Due to the regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation the status of the Festival is considered to be International.
3. The applicants to the Festival can be Films of national and foreign production as well as films shot in accordance with International agreements of the Russian Federation in collaboration with film producers who are noncitizens and Foreign Legal Entities.
4. To evaluate the competition program of the Festival, the Organizing Committee shall form a jury from Russian and foreign honored figures of culture and art.
5. The X International Film Festival of Sound Engineers Student Works INtonation is held in Russia, St. Petersburg.
1. The Festival is staged and conducted by the Producing Center LLC MIP SPUFT DEBUT based at Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television, (hereafter SPUFT).
2. The head of the Festival are Vladimir Markovich Persov, Marina Mikhailovna Sheiman, Polina Valerievna Volynkina, Anton Viktorovich Smirnov, Tatiana Valerievna Rtishcheva.
3. The Organizing Committee is formed to run the Festival.
The Festival is held April 22 – 27, 2024 in St. Petersburg. The Festival Programme includes:
· Opening and Closing ceremony;
· Competition screenings of feature, documentary (non-feature), TV and Animated domestic and foreign films;
· Workshops, panel discussions, round table discussions and forum with top cinematographers and key figures of sound industry.
1. The jury shall award the following prizes:
· Grand Prix (awarded to a Sound Engineer and creative team of the film (not more than 5 persons));
· Best Sound Solution in Feature Film;
· Best Sound Solution in a Documentary (Non-feature) Film;
· Best Sound Solution in Animated Film;
· Best Sound Design Debut;
· Best Musical Solution (awarded to the film Composer or Sound Engineer.
2. Special Awards:
· Special award named after Grigory Frank for the Authenticity of Sound Solution;
· Special award named after Boris Andreev for the Expressiveness of Sound Solution;
· Special award named after Elena Sladkovskaya for the Beauty and Sincerity of Intonations;
· Special award named after Aliakper Hasan-Zadeh for the Search of Ideal and its Fulfillment;
· Viewer’s Choice.
3. The jury has the right to nominate winners for additional categories.
If a prize-winner of the Festival has no opportunity to get his/her prize during the Closing ceremony, the prize can be given to the winner after the Festival in the Organizing Committee or can be given to a member of the creative team of the winning film
1. Applications are submitted on the website of the Festival -
2. The Festival admits participation of Feature films, Documentary (Non-feature) films, Animated short-length films and films which have been featured during the educational process by students of professional film schools for 2023- 2024. The deadline for films is February 1, 2024.
3. Films submitted to the Festival shall not contain any propaganda of violence, national, racial and religious intolerance and shall not offend human moral feelings.
4. Films submitted to the Festival shall not contain information, the dissemination of which is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or containing obscene language.
5. The Festival will not accept films that have been denied distribution certificates on the grounds specified in subparagraphs "b - d" of the paragraph 18 of the "Rules for the Issuance, Refusal to Issue and Revoke a Distribution Certificate for a Film", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2016 N 143 "On Approval of the Rules for Issuance, Refusal to Issue and Revocation of a Film Distribution Certificate and the Rules for Maintaining the State Register of Films" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation 2016, N 10, Art. 1415, N 52, Art. 7677) (hereinafter - the Rules) , or films for which the distribution certificates were revoked on the basis specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 20 of the Rules.
6. The Festival will only consider films which have not participated in the Intonations Festivals of previous years.
7. The Festival accepts no more than 2 films from 1 applicant under the same category;
8. Film running time submitted in the short film competition shall not be more than 30 minutes.
9. Author’s application should provide the following:
9.1 Film information:
· Country;
· Year of production;
· Title;
· Short synopsis (in Russian and English languages);
· Poster;
· 3 film shorts;
· Trailer (if available).
9.2 Information about the film director and film crew including the title of film school, workshop and year of studies;
· Director’s and Sound Engineer’s photos;
· Dialogue continuity in English language (for foreign films).
10. The Festival Organizing Committee has the right to exclude the film from the Competition Programme in case of failure to submit the film and accompanying materials within the stated deadline or in case the submitted copy of the film does not meet the technical requirements.
11. The Festival Organizing Committee decides when and what order the selected film will be screened and showed in the Competition Programme.
Applying for the Festival Competition Programme, the author gives their consent to the processing their personal data, as defined in the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 № 152-FZ ‘On Personal Data’, indicated in the application and in materials submitted to the Contest, by any means (including collection, systematisation, accumulation, storage, specification, use, distribution, depersonalisation, blocking and destruction), and confirms that giving this consent they act freely by their own will and for own benefit. The author guarantees that they obtained consent for personal data processing from other individuals working on the film submitted for the Competition, and if necessary, upon request of the Festival Organizing Committee it shall be provided to the latter.
1. Applications for the Festival Film Competition Programme shall be submitted February 1 – March 4, 2024.
2. The formation and selection of films for the Competition Programme is carried out by the Selection Committee formed by the Organizing Committee of the Festival.
3. Organizing Committee forms the Competition Programme.
4. The Competition Programme with the list of films is published on the website at least 1 week prior the Festival.
5. Selected films are to be screened in April 22-27, 2024.
1. The Festival Organizing Committee reserves the right to use film episodes (no more than three minutes) for the Festival promotion.
2. Applicant of a film, to whom the dispute arises, is liable to any third-parties claims and actions dealt with the copyrights and related rights.
3. The Festival Organizing Committee reserves the right to videotape and use video recordings of the Festival events in the Internet and Mass Media aimed at the Festival popularisation
4. Participation in the Festival presumes unconditional consent to its Regulations.
Saint Petersburg,
Tel. +7(812) 268-85-79
Official site of the Saint Petersburg State University of Film and Television -
(application issues)
(organizational questions)
INtonation group in VK
Requirements to Audio-Visual Works to be Submitted
Subtitles are required to the Works in foreign languages